Monday, January 21, 2013

Rethinking Gender Stereotypes in Nursing

Gender stereotypes have been very common in the nursing industry. In many people’s eyes, nurses are mild and attentive, so a female nurse is a role expectation that society typically assigns to women. Men are often considered to be rough and careless, so they are not suitable for the tasks which require cautious care. The department of nursing in many universities used to admit only females. Although more males have been admitted to be nurses over past decades, there is still a huge gender ratio difference in the industry.  Moreover, most of the male nurses face gender stereotype problems during clinical practices, especially in obstetrics.

I think there should not be any gender discrimination in the health care industry. As long as the nurses are enthusiastic about their career and they try their best to take care of the patients, we should not deny their passion and devotion by stereotyping them. Only will the society achieve a greater degree of gender equality when people abandon the traditional frame of gender stereotypes. Then both male and female nurses can bring their talent into full play.

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