Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Math is for Boys Not for Girls?

When it comes to math, girls are still lagging in the classroom. Many people deem that boys acquire better logical ability so that they get better grades in math.  The stereotype of gender towards mathematical and science capabilities still retains the negative presumption that males are superior to females. Whether a female university student in math-related majors endorses this stereotype or not, unquestionably influences her future educational and career development. Some people deem that girls are born to be careful people who are good at focusing on the details of everything, so they are not able to rationalize things like boys do.

In fact, I believe that females’ math skills might not be necessarily worse than that of males. Girls’ potential in math is likely to be underestimated because even they themselves believe in the society’s stereotype on boys’ superiority in the subject, which more or less causes them to give up improving their math skills.

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