Monday, January 14, 2013

A New Form of Marriage and Relationship

Nowadays, more women work outside home and even have their own career; on the other hand, more men tend to be in charge of the things women used to do: doing housework and taking care of the children. The stereotype of men being the breadwinners and women being the obedient housewives is breaking down, and more people are accepting this irreversible trend. Some people even regard it as a means to achieve a happier life and marriage.

I know that the rising status of women has brought a lot of changes and I think these changes might work well if couples know what they are looking for in lives and are willing to understand their own specific family situations. The society keeps changing, so people have to keep up their pace too. It is no longer suitable for everyone to comply with the traditional value that men should always be out for work and women should always be the homemakers. Instead, if couples could reach a compromise within themselves and work out solutions to the problems, why not accept this new way of life?

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