Monday, January 7, 2013

Gender Stereotypes: Females in Commercials

Media may present a rather unrealistic and distorted interpretation of human romance and sexuality, which leads some commentators to raise concerns that youth media is developing and sustaining stereotypical gender-role schemas. In this modern society, women are often viewed as sex objects and depicted as “alluring” and “flirtatious” and sexual obsession is normal for men. We can see many beautiful ladies on TV, internet and magazine advertisements in skimpy outfits. Even this hamburger commercial is no exception. The advertiser emphasizes many close-ups on the young lady’s lips, boobs and butt so as to show the desirable female body shape to the audience. The extremely seductive poses of the young lady display the ideal body image of today’s women. She reinforces the stereotype that females should be sexually attractive and it is their nature to lure men.

In fact, the target product that the commercial tries to advertise has nothing to do the model inside. But I bet most of the people put their focus on the sexy model but not the product. The advertiser just tries to attract potential customers’ attention (especially men’s) by presenting the typical women stereotype of being beautiful and sexy, not by presenting the practicability of the product.

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